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李宏毅-机器学习课程学习笔记 项目介绍 此项目是个人学习李宏毅老师机器学习课程的学习笔记,通过笔记的方式一边巩固学习效果,一边方便后续复习。如有错误,欢迎批评指正。 项目包括了机器学习、神经网络、图像处理、NLP相关领域的基础知识和实践应用(具体可以看下文的课程大纲图或目录部分),后续会不断整理面试的知识点进来。 Chapter 1~7为手写笔记,Chapter 8~X为Markdown笔记(建议使用Typora打开) 课程大纲图


课程目录 Chapter 01 - Outline Chapter 02 - Linear Regression

​ 1~3.线性回归模型的定义与损失函数的使用

​ 4.梯度下降的原理

​ 5.过拟合结果可视化

​ 6.正则化预防过拟合

​ 7.偏差方差的原理及有偏与无偏估计

​ 8.使用交叉验证选择最好的模型

Chapter 03 - Gradient Descent

​ 1.梯度下降回顾

​ 2.Learning Rate的设置与影响

​ 3.Stochastic Gradient Descent

​ 4.特征缩放对于梯度下降的影响

​ 5-6.梯度下降的形式化推导

Chapter 04 - New Optimization based on GD

​ 1~2.SGD与SGDM

​ 3~5.Adagrad、RMSProp、Adam

​ 6.最优化算法在实际应用中的比较(Adam和SGD的改进)

​ 7.Warm-up in Adam

​ 8.Future Position in Current Step(SGDWM和AdamW)

​ 9.最优化求解的技巧与总结

Chapter 05 - Classifications(Probability Generative Model & Logistic Regression)

​ 1.概率生成模型的问题描述

​ 2.贝叶斯分类的基本原理

​ 3.概率生成模型的Parameters Sharing机制

​ 4.贝叶斯的数学原理

​ 5.从Bayes到Logistic

​ 6.最大似然估计求解Logistic Regression问题

​ 7.Logistic与Linear Regression的对比

Chapter 06 - Deep Neural Network

​ 1.DL三步走(定义模型函数、定义评价函数、选择最优模型)

​ 2.Back Propagation

​ 3.深度学习的训练技巧(过拟合的判断、激活函数的选择、自适应学习率、Early Stopping、正则化、Dropout)

​ 4.DNN变“深”的原因分析

Chapter 07 - Convolutional Neural Network

​ 1.CNN产生的原因(DNN的参数量过于庞大)

​ 2.CNN的网络结构(Convolution和MaxPooling)

​ 3.Filter的工作原理

Chapter 08 - Graph Neural Network

​ 1.Introduction

​ 1.1 GNN提出的背景

​ 1.2 GNN RoadMap

​ 2.GNN可以解决的问题类型以及相关DataSet和BenchMark

​ 3.Spatial-based GNN

​ 3.1 CNN Review

​ 3.2 NN4G(Neural Network for Graph)

​ 3.3 DCNN(Diffusion Convolution Neural Network)

​ 3.4 DGC(Diffusion Graph Convolution)

​ 3.5 MoNET(Mixture Model Networks)

​ 3.6 GraphSage(SAmple and aggreGatE)

​ 3.7 GAT(Graph AttentinNeiworks)

​ 3.8 GIN(Graph Isomorphism Network)

​ 4.Graph Signal Processing and Spectral-based GNN

​ 4.1 Signal and System Review(信号系统中的数学变换与GNN的关系)

​ 4.2 Spectral Graph Theory(谱图理论)

​ 4.3 ChebNet

​ 4.4 GCN(Graph Convolution Network)

​ 5 Graph Generation(VAE-based model、GAN-based model、Auto-regressive-based model概述)

​ 6.GNN for NLP(概述)

​ 7.Summary

Chapter 09 - Recurrent Nueral Network

​ 1.Introduction

​ 1.1 RNN Application - Slot Filling

​ 1.2 RNN Structure

​ 2.Long Short-term Memory

​ 2.1 Long Short-term Memory Cell

​ 2.2 LSTM Cell的串联与叠加

​ 3.RNN的学习过程和训练技巧

​ 3.1 RNN难以训练的原因

​ 3.2 RNN的训练技巧

​ 4.RNN Application

​ 4.1 Sentiment Analysis(Many to One)

​ 4.2 Key Term Extraction(Many to One)

​ 4.3 Speech Recognizition(Many to Many)

​ 4.4 Machine Translation(Many to Many)

​ 4.5 Machine Translation(Many to Many)

​ 4.6 Syntactic Parsing(Beyond Sequence)

​ 4.7 Sequence-to-Sequence Auto-encoder(Text)

​ 4.8 Sequence-to-Sequence Auto-encoder(Speech)

​ 4.9 Chat-bot

​ 5.Attention-based Model(Chapter 11会展开讲解Self-Attention的原理)

​ 5.1 Attention-based Model基本原理

​ 5.2 Attention-based Model Applications

​ 6.Deep Learning VS. Structured Learning

​ 6.1 Deep Learning与Structured Learning的比较

​ 6.2 Integrating Deep Learning and Structured Learning

​ 6.3 Structured Learning的本质

Chapter 10 - Unsupervised Learning (Word Embedding)

​ 1.Word Encoding的基本方法

​ 1.1 1-of-N Encoding

​ 1.2 Context在Embedding中的作用

​ 1.3 Count-based Embedding(Glove Vector)

​ 1.4 Prediction-based Embedding(基本原理、CBOW变式、Skip gram变式)

​ 2.Word Embedding Demo

​ 2.1 Word Embedding Vector蕴含的信息

​ 2.2 Multi-domain Embedding

​ 2.3 Document Embedding

Chapter 11 - Semi-supervised Learning

​ 1.Introduction

​ 1.1 Semi-supervised Learning定义

​ 1.2 可行性分析

​ 2.Semi-supervised Learning for Generative Model

​ 2.1 Supervised Generative Model

​ 2.2 Semi-supervised Generative Model

​ 3.Low-density Separation(非黑即白)

​ 3.1 Low-density Separation假设

​ 3.2 Self-training

​ 3.3 Self-training与Semi-supervised Generative Model对比

​ 3.4 Entropy-based Regularization

​ 3.5 Outlook: Semi-supervised SVM

​ 4.Smoothness Assumption(近朱者赤,近墨者黑)

​ 4.1 Smoothness Assumption定义

​ 4.2 基于平滑理论的半监督学习算法(Cluster and then Label & Graph-based Approach)

​ 4.3 Self-training与Semi-supervised Generative Model对比

​ 4.4 Entropy-based Regularization

​ 4.5 Outlook: Semi-supervised SVM

​ 5.Better Representation(去芜存菁,化繁为简)

Chapter 12 - Explainable Machine Learning(Part 1)

​ 1.Introduction

​ 1.1 Explainable ML的基本概念

​ 1.2 Interpretable v.s. Powerful

​ 2.Local Explanation:Explain the Decision(Questions: Why do you think this image is a cat?)

​ 2.1 Important Component与Gradient-based Method

​ 2.2 Limitation of Gradient based Approaches

​ 2.3 Attack Interpretation

​ 2.4 Saliency Map Case Study

​ 3.Global Explanation:Explain the whole Model(Questions: What do you think a “cat” looks like?)

​ 3.1 Activation Maximization Review

​ 3.2 “Regularization” from Generator

​ 3.3 Self-training与Semi-supervised Generative Model对比

​ 3.4 Entropy-based Regularization

​ 3.5 Outlook: Semi-supervised SVM

​ 4.Using A Model to Explain Another Model

​ 4.1 基本原理

​ 4.2 Local Interpretable Model - Agnostic Explanations(LIME - 基于Linear Model)

​ 4.3 Local Interpretable Model - Agnostic Explanations(LIME - 基于Decision Tree)

Chapter 12 - Explainable Machine Learning(Part 2)

​ 1.Explain a trained model - Attribution(Local v.s. Global attribution / Completeness / Evaluation)

​ 1.1 Local Gradient-based

​ 1.2 Global Attribution

​ 1.3 Evaluation

​ 1.4 Summary

​ 2.Explain a trained model - Probing(BERT / Good Probing Model)

​ 2.1 BERT基本原理

​ 2.2 What does BERT learn?(BERT Rediscovers the Classical NLP Pipeline )

​ 2.3 What does BERT might not learn?

​ 2.4 What is a good prob?

​ 3.Explain a trained model - HeatMap(Activation map \ Attention map)

​ 3.1 Activation Map:CNN Dissection

​ 3.2 Attention map as explanation

​ 4.Create an explainable model

​ 4.1 CNN Explainable Model的难点

​ 4.2 Constraining activation map

​ 4.3 Encoding Prior

Chapter 13 - Attack and Defense(Part 1)

​ 1.Introduction

​ 1.1 Attack Model基本原理

​ 1.2 如何求解Attack Model

​ 1.3 Example

​ 2.Attack Approaches

​ 2.1 Related References

​ 2.2 Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)

​ 2.3 White Box v.s. Black Box

​ 2.4 Universal Adversarial Attack

​ 2.5 Adversarial Reprogramming

​ 2.6 Audio Attack & Text Attack

​ 3.Defense

​ 3.1 Passive Defense

​ 3.2 Proactive Defense

Chapter 13 - Attck and Defense(Part 2)

​ 1.Attacks on Image

​ 1.1 One Pixel Attack基本思想

​ 1.2 One Pexel Attack的求解

​ 2.Attacks on Audio

​ 2.1 Attacks on ASR

​ 2.2 Attacks on ASV

​ 2.3 Hidden Voice Attack

Chapter 14 - Network Compression(Part 1)

​ 1.Network Purning

​ 1.1 神经网络修剪的基本原理

​ 1.2 Network Pruning - Practical Issue

​ 2.Knowledge Distillation(知识蒸馏)

​ 2.1 Knowledge Distillation基本原理

​ 2.2 训练技巧

​ 3.Parameter Quantization

​ 3.1 Parameter Quantization的三种解决方案

​ 3.2 Binary Connect Network

​ 4.Architecture Design

​ 4.1 隐层的增加与参数的减少

​ 4.2 Depthwise Separable Convolution

​ 4.3 More Related Paper

​ 5.Dynamic Computation

​ 5.1 计算资源与计算目标的动态调整

Chapter 14 - Network Compression(Part 2)

​ 1.Network Compression Review

​ 1.1 Network Compression常用的解决办法

​ 2.Knowledge Distillation(知识蒸馏)

​ 2.1 Knowledge Distillation基本原理

​ 2.2 Logits Distillation

​ 2.3 Feature Distillation

​ 2.4 Relational Distillation

​ 3.Network Purning

​ 3.1 Network Purning Case

​ 3.2 Evaluate Importance

​ 3.3 More About Lottery Ticket Hypothesis

​ 4.Reference

Chapter 15 - Conditional Generation by RNN & Attention

​ 1.Generation

​ 1.1 Structured Object Generation Model

​ 1.2 Conditional Generation

​ 2.Attention(Dynamic Conditional Generation)

​ 2.1 Attention-based Model

​ 2.2 Machine Translation with Attention-based Model

​ 2.3 Speech Recognition with Attention-based Model

​ 2.4 Image Caption with Attention-based Model

​ 2.5 Memory Network

​ 2.6 Neural Turing Machine

​ 3.Tips for Training Generation Model

​ 3.1 Attention Weight Regularization

​ 3.2 Mismatch between Train and Test

​ 3.3 Beam Search(束搜索)

​ 3.4 Object level v.s. Component level

​ 4.Pointer Network

​ 4.1 Pointer Network基本原理

​ 5.Recursive Structure

​ 5.1 Sentiment Analysis Application

​ 5.2 Function f 的内部细节

​ 5.3 More Application

Chapter 16 - Self-Attention & Transformer(Part 1)

​ 1.Self-attention机制原理

​ 1.1 RNN与CNN解决序列问题

​ 1.2 Self-Attention的基本过程

​ 1.3 Self-Attention的矩阵表示

​ 1.4 Multi-head Self-attention(以2 heads 为例)

​ 1.5 Positional Encoding

​ 2.Self-attention在Seq2Seq Model中的用法

​ 2.1 Seq2Seq with Self-attention模型结构

​ 3.Transformer

​ 3.1 模型结构

​ 3.2 Attention Visualization

​ 3.3 Example Application

Chapter 16 - Self-Attention & Transformer(Part 2)

​ 1.Transformer Family

​ 1.1 Transformer Review

​ 1.2 Sandwich Transformers

​ 1.3 Universal Transformer

​ 2.Residual Shuffle Exchange Network

​ 2.1 Switch Unit 和 Residual Shuffle Exchange Network

​ 3.BERT Family

​ 3.1 BERT

​ 3.2 ALBERT

​ 3.3 Reformer

Chapter 17 - Unsupervised Learning(Dimension Deduction)

​ 1.Clustering Algorithm

​ 1.1 基本聚类算法

​ 2.Dimension Reduction

​ 2.1 Dimension Reduction的可行性分析

​ 2.2 Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

​ 2.3 PCA – Another Point of View(SVD)

​ 2.4 PCA与Auto Encoder

​ 2.5 Weakness of PCA

​ 2.6 PCA Application

​ 2.7 PCA与NMF

​ 3.Matrix Factorization

​ 3.1 矩阵分解的基本方法与在推荐系统中的应用

​ 3.2 矩阵分解在Topic Analysis中的应用

Chapter 18 - Unsupervised Learning(Neighbor Embedding)

​ 1.Locally Linear Embedding (LLE)

​ 1.1 LLE的基本原理

​ 2.Laplacian Eigenmaps

​ 2.1 Laplacian Eigenmaps的基本原理

​ 3.T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding(t-SNE)

​ 3.1 t-SNE的基本原理

Chapter 19 - Unsupervised Learning(Auto-Encoder)

​ 1.Auto Encoder

​ 1.1 Auto Encoder与PCA的相同之处

​ 1.2 Auto-encoder – Text Retrieval

​ 1.3 Auto-encoder – Similar Image Search

​ 1.4 Auto-encoder – Pre-training DNN

​ 1.5 Auto-encoder for CNN

​ 1.6 De-noising Auto-encoder

​ 2.Decoder

​ 2.1 Auto-encoder与Generation

​ 3.More Non-Linear Dimension Reduction Model

​ 3.1 Restricted Boltzmann Machine

​ 3.2 Deep Belief Network

​ 4.Auto-Encoder的改进与思考

​ 4.1 More than minimizing reconstruction error

​ 4.2 More Interpretable Embedding(Voice Conversion)

​ 4.3 Discrete Representation

​ 4.4 Sequence as Embedding

​ 4.5 Tree as Embedding

Chapter 20 - Unsupervised Learning(Generative Model)

​ 1.Pixel RNN

​ 1.1 Pixel RNN的基本原理与应用场景

​ 1.2 Practicing Generation Models:Pokémon Creation

​ 2.Variational Autoencoder(VAE)

​ 2.1 VAE的基本过程

​ 2.2 VAE与Auto Encoder的区别

​ 2.3 VAE的数学解释(Gaussian Mixture Model)

​ 3.Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)

​ 3.1 GAN的基本原理

Chapter 21 - BERT

​ 1.Embeddings from Language Model(ELMO)

​ 1.1 Contextualized Word Embedding

​ 1.2 Embeddings from Language Model(ELMO)

​ 2.Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)

​ 2.1 BERT的网络结构

​ 2.2 BERT的训练技巧

​ 2.3 BERT的使用方法

​ 2.4 What does BERT learn?

​ 2.5 Multilingual BERT

​ 3.Enhanced Representation through Knowledge Integration (ERNIE)

​ 3.1 ERNIE的基本思想

​ 4.Generative Pre-Training(GPT)

​ 4.1 GPT的基本思想

​ 4.2 GPT的神奇之处(Zero-shot Learning)

Chapter 22 - Self-supervised Learning

​ 1.Self-supervised Learning

​ 1.1 Self-supervised Learning的常见模型

​ 2.Reconstruction Task

​ 2.1 Reconstruction on Text

​ 2.2 Reconstruction on Image

​ 3.Contrastive Learning

​ 3.1 CPC和SimCLR

​ 4.Reference

Chapter 23 - Anomaly Detection

​ 1.Anomaly Detection

​ 1.1 Anomaly Detection的基本原理

​ 1.2 Anomaly Detection按照数据类型的分类

​ 2.Case 1 - With Label(Classifier)

​ 2.1 用分类器的输出分布进行异常检测

​ 2.2 模型的评价

​ 2.3 使用Classifier进行异常检测的问题

​ 3.Case 2 - Without Label(Classifier)

​ 3.1 最大似然估计实现异常检测

​ 4.更多实现异常检测的方法

​ 4.1 Auto-Encoder

​ 4.2 One-class SVM

​ 4.3 Isolated Forest

​ 5.More About Anomaly Detection

​ 5.1 Classic Method

​ 5.2 Anomaly detection on Image

​ 5.3 Anomaly detection on Audio

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 1 - Introduction)

​ 1.Basic Idea of GAN

​ 1.1 Generator与Discriminator

​ 1.2 GAN Algorithm

​ 2.GAN as structured learning

​ 2.1 Structured Learning的难点与解决方案

​ 3.Can Generator learn by itself? YES!

​ 3.1 使用Auto-Encoder实现Generator的独自学习

​ 4.Can Discriminator generate? YES, but diffiuclt!

​ 4.1 使用Discriminator完成Generative Task的基本方法

​ 4.2 具体算法描述与可视化分析

​ 5.GAN = Generator + Discriminator

​ 5.1 Generator与Discriminator的相辅相成

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 2 - Conditional Generation by GAN)

​ 1.Conditional Generation by GAN

​ 1.1 Conditional GAN中Generator与Discriminator的设计

​ 1.2 Conditional GAN 的实际应用

​ 2.Unsupervised Conditional Generation by GAN

​ 2.1 Unsupervised Conditional Generation by GAN的提出背景

​ 2.2 实现方案一:Direct transformation

​ 2.3 实现方案二:Projection to Common Space

​ 2.4 Application

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 3 - Theory behind GAN [Divergence & FGAN])

​ 1.Theory behind GAN

​ 1.1 Generator与最大似然估计(KL Divergence)

​ 1.2 Discriminator与如何就算KL Divergence

​ 1.3 GAN的目标函数

​ 1.4 GAN的求解算法

​ 1.5 Intuition GAN

​ 2.FGAN:General Framework of GAN

​ 2.1 FGAN提出的原因

​ 2.2 F-Divergence

​ 2.3 F-Divergence与GAN的结合

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 4 - Tips for Improving GAN [WGAN])

​ 1.WGAN解决的问题及原理

​ 1.1 JS Divergence与分布无重叠之间的矛盾

​ 1.2 Wasserstein Distance(�Earth Mover’s Distance)

​ 1.3 WGAN的训练算法

​ 1.4 Energy-based GAN(EBGAN)

​ 1.5 Loss-sensitive GAN(LSGAN)

​ 2.Reference

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 5 - Feature Extraction by GAN [InfoGAN / VAE-GAN / BiGAN])

​ 1.Feature Extraction by GAN

​ 1.1 InfoGAN

​ 1.2 VAE - GAN

​ 1.3 BiGAN

​ 1.4 Triple GAN

​ 1.5 Loss-sensitive GAN(LSGAN)

​ 2.Domain-adversarial Training

​ 2.1 Feature Disentangle

​ 2.2 Intelligent Photo Editing

​ 2.3 Intelligent Photoshop

​ 2.4 More Application of GAN on Image

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 6 - Improving Sequence Generation by GAN)

​ 1.Improving Supervised Seq-to-seq Model

​ 1.1 Regular Seq2Seq Model训练过程存在的问题

​ 1.2 使用RL训练Seq2Seq Model(Human Feedback)

​ 1.3 使用GAN训练Seq2Seq Model(Discriminator Feedback)

​ 1.4 More Applications

​ 2.Unsupervised Conditional Sequence Generation

​ 2.1 Text Style Transfer

​ 2.2 Unsupervised Abstractive Summarization

​ 2.3 Unsupervised Translation

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 7 - Evaluation)

​ 1.Improving Supervised Seq-to-seq Model

​ 1.1 Regular Seq2Seq Model训练过程存在的问题

​ 1.2 使用RL训练Seq2Seq Model(Human Feedback)

​ 1.3 使用GAN训练Seq2Seq Model(Discriminator Feedback)

​ 1.4 More Applications

​ 2.Unsupervised Conditional Sequence Generation

​ 2.1 Text Style Transfer

​ 2.2 Unsupervised Abstractive Summarization

​ 2.3 Unsupervised Translation

Chapter 24 - Generative Adversarial Network(Part 8 - More GAN-based Model [SAGAN, BigGAN, SinGAN, GauGAN, GANILLA, NICE-GAN])

​ 1.Improving Supervised Seq-to-seq Model

​ 1.1 GAN Roadmap

​ 1.2 SAGAN(Self-Attention)

​ 1.3 BigGAN(升级版SAGAN)

​ 1.4 SinGAN(将一张图片切割成很多小的图片当做训练资料)

​ 1.5 GauGAN(Conditional Normalization)

​ 1.6 GANILLA(CycleGAN/DualGAN mega升级、宮崎駿Dataset)

​ 1.7 NICE-GAN(D的前半部当成encoder)

Chapter 25 - Transfer Learning

​ 1.Transfer Learning简介

​ 1.1 Transfer Learning提出的背景

​ 2.Labeled Source Dara + Labeled Target Data

​ 2.1 Model Fine-tuning

​ 2.2 Multitask Learning

​ 3.Labeled Source Dara + Unlabeled Target Data

​ 3.1 Domain-adversarial Training

​ 3.2 Zero-shot learning

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 1 - Actor & Critic)

​ 1.Reinforence Learning Introduction

​ 1.1 RL的术语与基本思想

​ 1.2 RL的特点

​ 1.3 RL Outline

​ 2.Policy-based Approach(Learning an Actor)

​ 2.1 Policy-based Approach三步走

​ 2.2 Step 1:Neural Network as Actor

​ 2.3 Step 2:Goodness of Actor

​ 2.4 Step 3:Pick the best Actor

​ 3.Value-based Approach(Learning a Critic)

​ 3.1 Critic的定义(State Value Function)

​ 3.2 Estimating Critic(State Value Function)

​ 3.3 Critic的定义(State-action Value Function)

​ 4.Actor-Critic

​ 4.1 A3C(Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic)

​ 5.Inverse Reinforence Learning

​ 5.1 Imitation Learning

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 2 - Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO))

​ 1.Policy Gradient Review

​ 1.1 RL的目标函数(最大化收益期望)与求解过程(Advantage Function)

​ 2.From on-policy to off-policy

​ 2.1 On-Policy和Off-Policy的对比

​ 2.2 Importance Sampling与Off-Policy

​ 2.3 使用Importance Sampling实现从On-Policy到Off-Policy的转换

​ 3.Add Constrain(PPO / TRPO)

​ 3.1 PPO与TRPO的定义

​ 3.2 PPO Algorithm和PPO2 Algorithm

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 3 - Q Learning)

​ 1.Value-based Approach Review

​ 1.1 Value-based Approach的分类与估计方法

​ 2.Introduction of Q-Learning

​ 2.1 Q-Learning的大致过程

​ 3.Tips of Q-Learning(Q-Learning的变种)

​ 3.1 Double DQN

​ 3.2 Dueling DQN

​ 3.3 Prioritized Reply

​ 3.4 Multi-step

​ 3.5 Noisy Net

​ 3.6 Distributional Q-function

​ 3.7 Rainbow

​ 4.Q-Learning for Continuous Actions

​ 4.1 Q-Learning处理连续型Action的难点和解决办法

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 4 - Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic(A3C))

​ 1.RL中存在的问题与A3C的提出

​ 1.1 使用长期收益期望解决即时收益的不稳定问题

​ 1.2 Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic(A3C)

​ 2.Pathwise Derivative Policy Gradient

​ 2.1 借鉴GAN的思想使用Actor解决Q-Learning的arg max问题

​ 2.2 Pathwise Derivative Policy Gradient算法伪代码

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 5 - Sparse Reward)

​ 1.Reward Shaping

​ 1.1 Reward Shaping的定义

​ 1.2 Curiosity Reward

​ 2.Curriculum Learning

​ 2.1 Curriculum Learning的从易到难

​ 2.2 Reverse Curriculum Generation

​ 3.Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning

​ 3.1 Curriculum Learning的从易到难

Chapter 26 - Deep Reinforence Learning(Part 6 - Imitation Learning)

​ 1.Behavior Cloning

​ 1.1 Behavior Cloning的定义

​ 1.2 Behavior Cloning中存在的一些问题

​ 2.Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL)

​ 2.1 IRL的基本过程




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